![]() 11/08/2014 at 15:56 • Filed to: catlopnik | ![]() | ![]() |
This meme is real life. My girlfriend wanted a cat but I'm more of a dog person. Still, she wanted one and I knew that I would love anything we got.
One attempt at a cat with a shelter went very...strangely. There was over a week between communications.
Then my gf went to some shelters today. I showed up at one and she said "do you want to meet Juliette?" Sure.
I melted.
This is Juliette. She was brought in last week to the rescue. They believe she was hit by a car because there was road rash across her face, shards of glass in her shoulder...and her front left leg was absolutely shattered. The fractures, breaks and damage to the leg and shoulder necessitated and amputation, done on Thursday. She is already walking around and adjusting well.
In addition to that accident, she is severely underweight and malnourished. 4 lbs. Under a year old. Other bones show healed fractures. It was a rough life.
But not anymore. We get her tomorrow.
She is so sweet and soft...and tough as nails. I plan on making her a play pen, cat perch and more.
Idk what onions were doing at an animal shelter but they made my eyes itch.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 15:59 |
Those weren't tears, that was from chemicals in the cats saliva that they use to clean themselves with. A very large portion of humans have some sort of allergy to it. Or it could have been tears.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:03 |
she's a Reliant Robin!
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:03 |
I can feel my manliness melt away. I need to do something QUICK.
Seriously, though. That cat is absolutely beautiful and I hope she lives a nice life :)
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:05 |
Good on you for rescuing! I grew up with a rescue dog, and he was super sweet, although he had a few issues.
Good luck with getting the cat hair out of everything.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:06 |
Thanks for making me laugh way too hard after being all full of awwwwwww at the kitty.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:07 |
aw www... I mean.... nevermind that...
This is almost exactly what happened to my GF and I. I din't like cats till we got a rescue cat. She is awesome.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:08 |
I saw "Adopt a Husky, Inc." come across my news feed last night, the want was strong...
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:13 |
Quick, go build things with your bare hands and then cook outdoors.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:14 |
It's a good thing, and she's adorable. :)
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:14 |
we need someone to Photoshop her markings onto this robin and change the license plate to her name. ( I don't do the work.. I just come up with the ideas. )
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:23 |
Aw. :)
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:26 |
my wife's boss has a cat that lives with three Pitbulls - and acts like on. Constantly wants to be petted, no understanding of personal space, licks you constantly, cuddles whether you wanted it or not, etc. it's the coolest cat I've ever seen.
I'm not a cat person, but the more they act like a dog the more I like them.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:26 |
Poor thing. Glad you adopted. I wasn't sure on cats but my sister brought home a kitty. Definitely worth having her(the cat) around. She sleeps at my feet every night.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:49 |
Good for you. Cat;s can be a pain but you can't help but love them!!!
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:50 |
We got our cat from the rescue about a year ago. Nicest, friendliest, most amusing cat you'll ever meet. And even somewhat obedient (gasp). On Friday, my grandparents picked up a beautiful dog, also from the pound. This one was a stray, which was impossible to believe since she was incredibly well-behaved, well-trained and obedient. And the perfect mix of friendly/energetic and calm. Everyone that can should get a shelter animal.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 16:56 |
We adopted Yoda and Vader from a shelter 18 months ago - they were a matched set - Yoda got Vader to start eating again when he was tiny. They're great cats.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 17:06 |
My cat is also like a dog or so I am told. He wrestles, follows me around, and lick you. It's awesome but can be annoying at times. He also tries to get into the garbage.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 18:19 |
Dawww ... Little fuzzy tripod kittay!
Our cat was found as a 1 pound kitten last summer, stuck in an abandoned car. Now he and out two year old daughter are best friends.
![]() 11/08/2014 at 18:25 |
Awwwww she is so sweet!
Ive been a dog person my whole life. One day mom came back with Garth from the cat shelter she volunteered at.
Hes 6 years old and thinks hes a dog. I love him because he essentially became my cat. He is always by my side or sleeping in my bed. I was never a cat person.. Until him!
![]() 11/08/2014 at 22:27 |
D'aaawwwwwww. She's cute.
![]() 11/09/2014 at 14:29 |
Absolute tragedy that she got hit...poor thing.
Good on you for getting her and giving her a second chance. Most people I know would skip a maimed kitty because they aren't as fun. She looks so sweet. Once she gets a little bit of proper food in her, and her fur has some time to grow back and fill out again, she will be even softer and cuddlier :).
![]() 11/10/2014 at 15:20 |
I missed your weekend post, but here's our dog Riley who was born into a rescue when his mother was rescued pregnant (carrying him) with 2 liters, yes apparently dogs can be DOUBLE PREGNANT. 2 separate dads. she was tied up in Detroit in the summer with no water or food.
Thankfully all the puppies and the mom found homes eventually, there were 7 puppies, only 2 in the litter that Riley was part of, he's half American Staffordshire Terrier and half German Shepherd. He's a little crazy, but a really good dog.
Commonly has a crazy look on his face lol:
Favorite chair:
Surprisingly tolerant of frequent toddler attacks:
Good luck with your new pet despite my incredibly intense (throat closing) allergy to cats.